Rethinking Prevention... from the family room to the classroom and beyond.

Student Assistance

Parent & Family Support

Community Collaboration

How We Serve

Prevention Education

We share life-changing prevention knowledge with students and the adults who care for them.

Crisis Intervention

We are not afraid of the mess. We have been there and we can help your student find their footing again.


The road to freedom cannot be travelled alone. We’ll walk with you and your student, knowing that true transformation occurs within safe community.

Do you know about The Transition Zone?

The Transition Zone exists between the ages of 12-20 where students are in the most danger of developing high-risk behavioral patterns. This presents an opportunity for Pathways2Life to engage students and help them to identify risks, choose wisely and live purposefully during those years. Think back to your own Transition Zone. Would things have things been different if you had a person of understanding walking with you through that time of struggle and challenge?

How We Work


Click Here or Call 470-448-3900


Learn how Pathways2Life can meet your needs. If we can’t, we’ll connect you to someone who can.


We’ll develop and activate a practical plan for your student, your family, or your school, moving towards a preferred future.

How is a community affected by the health of its students?

1 %
of our addicted population

90% of our addicted population started using before the age of 18.*

1 %
of teens more likely...

Teens who spend five or more hours per day on their devices are 71 percent more likely to have one risk factor for suicide…regardless of the content consumed.**

1 %
vape manufacturers

100% of e-cigarette (vape) manufacturers do not have to report their ingredients.

1 %
of boys

93.2% of boys and 62.1% of girls have seen online pornography before age 18.***

It’s time to choose HOPE.

You love your community. So do we. Did you know investing in local students is a powerful way to strengthen your community? That’s why we exist. Between the ages of 13-20, students are navigating through more transitions than any other season of life. No student should have to navigate through those transitions void of meaningful connection with a person who truly understands their struggle. Pathways2Life will partner with you through Prevention Education, Crisis Intervention and Support to move the students you care about towards a preferred future. Contact us today and ACT ON HOPE to better your community.

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